
Qualified Personal Assitence (QPA)

PBW is an educative, community based form of support for adults with a mental and/or physical disability and for adults who are at risk of acquiring a disability. The goal of PBW is to assist individuals to acquire independent living and housing. This support is for people who already have or are aiming to live in independent housing.

QPA can have very different goals and support options:

  • With housing issues such as
    • running a household – managing all aspects of having accommodation
    • furnishing the accommodation
    • the search for accommodation

  • With health issues we provide support such as:
    • discussing options/advice
    • working together to find appropriate medical treatment (specialist
      doctors, therapy)
    • accompanying clients to appointment and assistance during
      personal crises

    With personal relationship issues such as
    • the support in creating and maintaining social networks
    • advice with communication and social skills

  • With everyday issues such as:
    • looking for employment or meaningful work
    • organizing hobbies/free time and interest in group activities
    • direction for client in both private and public spheres

  • Support in dealing with relevant government agencies and managing personal finances competently (budgeting)

    QPA is limited to 2 years. When the QPA support ends and the client is
    seeking a long term form of support, there is the option of Wohnassistenz
    following direct on from QPA.

    You are welcome to contact us when you have questions and ABeSa will
    support you through the application process. Please contact the following contact person.